Conference Day Two | Friday October 11, 2024

8:15 am Registration

Spotlighting the Intersection of Sustainability, Social Responsibility & Health Equity

9:00 am Panel Discussion: Putting the Spotlight on Social Responsibility & Health Equity Strategy in Pharmaceutical Organizations

  • Sandra Yi-Fuller Head of Corporate Responsibility & Reporting, Biogen
  • Donna Finale US Sustainability Lead, UCB S.A.
  • Jorge Arellano Vice President & Head Of Intercontinental Markets Value, Access, Pricing, Health Economics & Outcomes Research, Bristol Myers Squibb
  • Tanisha Sullivan Head, External Engagement, Health Equity Strategy, Sanofi


  • Communicating the business value of health equity and patient access strategies to secure buy
  • How do you capture results and progress made in your heath equity strategy? How do you report on this?
  • How do you support your Medical / R&D colleagues in delivering health equity programs? Especially to support the communities where you operate?
  • How can we continue the momentum in corporate responsibility in the face of backlash in the US?

9:50 am Prestentation:Operationalizing the Intersection of Sustainability & Health Equity Strategy for Strategic Business Impact in Pharmaceutical Organizations

  • Carrie Scott Head, Sustainability and ESG Office, Novartis AG


  • Importance of integrating sustainability into business strategy, including target setting, operational model and governance for buy-in
  • Operationalizing your social impact and health equity strategy; embedding the social impact lens into decision making across your organization to create long term and more sustainable changes in how companies operate
  • The methodology and measurement frameworks behind a Novartis’ systematic approach to embedding social impact throughout the business

10:20 am Networking Break

Environmental Sustainability

Practical Implementation of Environmental Sustainability & Net Zero Strategies

10:50 am Presentation: Creating the Road Map for Developing Net-Zero Sites in Biopharma Organizations

  • Catherine Sheehy Investor Relations, ESG and PBC Transparency Director, United Therapeutics Corp.


  • Getting the buy in and becoming an industry leader in the development of net zero sites
  • How to effectively collaborate with design build partners and then across the ecosystem
  • From capturing the data, regulatory approval and certifications, uncover a biotech’s roadmap to green building and the following environmental and strategic benefits

11:20 am Presentation:Leveraging a Renewable Energy Strategy, Reducing Fleet and Manufacturing Emissions & Other Strategies to Execute Towards Carbon Neutral Goals


  • Reducing fleet and manufacturing emissions, investing in renewable energy and removals/offsets, and managing data collection to show progress against internal goals
  • Balancing progression in implementing environmental reduction strategies while keeping future technology in mind
  • Uncover how Zoetis is progressing toward its carbon neutral goal

ESG Strategy

Transforming Your Social Impact

10:50 am Presentation: Transforming Your Social impact: Identifying the Key Topics & Developing an Effective Social Strategy in Pharma Organizations

  • Jeffrey Ball Chief Sustainability Officer/SVP EHS & Strategy Realization, CSL Behring


  • How to get buy in and communicate the value of a social impact strategy
  • How to identify the key areas for your social strategy including the underpinning governance
  • How CSL Behring is effectively identifying the focus areas and the material topics in the social space as part of wider ESG strategy

11:20 am Presentation: Navigating the Complexities of Professionalising Philanthropy & Corporate Social Responsibility in Large Pharma

  • Apurva Patel Director, US Corporate Sustainability & Social Impact, Novo Nordisk


  • How large pharma can support the communities with the least access to social determinants of health
  • Securing buy into your corporate social responsibility agenda in life science organizations to improve corporate reputation
  • Uncover how Novo Nordisk have transformed their social impact and subsequently how it has improved not just the health of specific populations but company culture too

11:50 am Lunch

Leveraging LCAs & Driving Sustainable Product Development in Life Sciences Organizations

1:00 pm Roundtable Workshop: How to Choose the Suitable Tools, Consultants & External Help As Your ESG & Sustainability Set Up Matures

  • Arun Skaria Senior Director, Corporate Responsibility and ESG, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals


Join this interactive discussion session moderated by an expert to uncover lessons learned, best practices and seek inspiration amongst peers at your table.

1:30 pm Presentation: Understanding the Future of Product and Pipeline: Enhancing Sustainable Product Development in Pharmaceutical Organizations

  • Lynnette Cartagena Director Research & Development ,Global Environmental Compliance & Sustainability, Abbvie


  • Leveraging green chemistry and updated technology: including AI to reduce environmental impact and benefit the business by improving operational costs (i.e. water and waste)
  • Lessons learned from executing an LCA pilot program in a leading pharma organization and developing a framework to map the total ESG values for new product development (developing an API or using reagents) to uncover
  • How AbbVie are leveraging green chemistry and eco-design to inform sustainable product development while adhering to an evolving ESG regulatory framework

Establishing & Advancing Robust Organizational Governance

1:00 pm Presentation: Creating a Robust Governance Framework in Life Sciences Organizations

  • Katya Hantel VP, Environment, Social & Governance (ESG), Smith & Nephew


  • Ensuring robust governance of ESG and sustainability practices including keeping accountability of progress to goals
  • Other governance issues relating to the board: what does board oversight and accountability look like?
  • How Smith + Nephew created a robust governance framework and are aligning to both UK and USA governance

1:30 pm Presentation: Building Dynamic ESG Governance at Speed in Biopharmaceutical Organizations to Address an Evolving Regulatory Landscape & Meet Stakeholder Needs

  • Nate Belke Associate Director, Corporate Sustainability & Social Impact, Jazz Pharmaceuticals Inc


  • Uncover how Jazz Pharmaceuticals have setup a robust and dynamic ESG governance structure at speed to make meaningful sustainability progress in two years.
  • Outline practices and tips for applying principles and leveraging lessons learned from ‘mature’ organizations to curate an accelerated ESG strategy and operating model.
  • Share specific successes, challenges and lessons learned and outlook for Jazz’s ESG strategy execution and preparation for next two years.

2:00 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of Conference