Establishing Your Biopharma ESG Strategy & Adhering to US Regulation for Biotech Organizations

Time: 9:05 am
day: Pre-Conference Day


Designed for life sciences organizations at the early stage of their ESG journey, join this interactive workshop session to uncover how to get continued buy-in to your ESG and sustainability strategy and execute this with limited budget and resources. This session is designed for the biopharma organizations early in their ESG journey

seeking to connect with peers at similar stages of progress to brainstorm key content, uncover best practices, and benchmark among peers. Walk away with a roadmap to ensure regulatory compliance (in the US only) and secure the future of your ESG function in 2024 and beyond.

Content this session will cover:

  • What environmental and social issues to prioritize at the start of your journey and a year on including, how and when to establish a baseline, the context of goal setting, and how to get there (including alignment with TCFD)
  • An overview of the ESG regulatory environment in USA (i.e. updates to the SEC and California Environmental Bills) and understanding the current evolutions and what you need to comply to
  • How to effectively collect environmental data for compliance with SEC, California and other US-based regulation: what tools and technology to use, now but also in the future, and ensuring the integrity of data collection
  • How do you operationally set up your teams (audit, finance, etc) to support ESG and sustainability reporting for compliance
